Thursday, October 30, 2008

Tag!! I am it!!

I was tagged by Josh and Kaleena to tell 6 disturbing/unique facts about myself. Here it goes.
  1. I am night owl. I can stay up till two thirty and not be grumpy the next day I still wake up at seven when I do I am a little tired but other than that I am just hyper.
  2. I have a mole on my ankle and the bottom of my foot in the exact same spot as my mom.
  3. I have two different kinds of thumbs. In school when we learn about heredity we learn that there are hitchhiker thumbs and what I call fat thumbs. My mom has hitchhiker thumbs. My dad has "fat thumbs."
  4. I am extremely afraid of heights.
  5. I cant stand up and touch my feet together when I try my knees go on top of each other and my hips are un -even.
  6. My mom says I am the biggest klutz ever. Sometimes when I am walking down the hall I trip and fall on my face, I get up two seconds later and fall again, and again,and again.

Now I tag Shawna, Erin, and Bonnie. Write six disturbing/unique facts about yourself then tag 5 new people.


Bonnie said...

I need pictures of the difference between fat thumbs and hitchiker thumbs. I will have to think overnight about my disturbing/unique facts.

Ryan and Erin said...

Ha ha! I love your weird facts! I already had the same tag just a few weeks ago. You'll have to scroll back a bit to find it!