Thursday, September 3, 2009

First few days of school!

Well, school started on Monday and it is really different being in a new school. For the most part it is fun but somethings I like better and some things I miss about ACYI (my old school).
So some things I like are :
  • The principal allowed the custodians to blast rock music in the cafeteria during lunch.
  • I LOVE my classes.
  • I like my teachers some are funny, some treat us like kindergartners and others make class more worth the while.
  • One of my best friends is my locker partner so that's good.
  • I have some ninth grade friends that are in my ward that help me out when I need it and one of them is in my Advisory class.

Here are some things I don't like:

  • This really annoying kid that about gets sent to the principal everyday because he won't be quiet and insults teachers is in three of my of my class and sits by me in 2 of them.
  • My locker is hard to open.
  • I get lost sometimes.

Well except for those dislikes schools is pretty good and I enjoy going to Swim practice right after school. :)


Bonnie said...

Thanks for writing about your impressions of school. Did your teachers pick where everyone sits? If so, the reason you are sitting by that really annoying boy is because you are such a great gal and your teachers hope that some of your good influence will rub off on him. At the very least, the teachers hope that you will totally ignore him. All he wants is attention, so don't give it to him. Write about what happens and also I want to know what your favorite subjects are and why.

What grade are you in now?

Cherilee said...

Ha- Ha! The boys are picking on you. Well I would probably pick on a cute girl like you as well.