Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Dad!!!! Theres a Mouse in the Bunny Barn!!!!!!!

So one day Jensen and I went out to feed the bunny's. We heard a scratch and a squeak . Jensen and I immediately started freaking out. We thought it was a bird. Then, Jensen saw a little black head come out from the insulation. We ran into the house screaming Dad!!!!! There's a mouse!!!!! Later dad and mom told us to go clean the barn so we did. Jensen told me to take the nesting box out so we could sweep the floor. I thought the mouse could possibly be in there so I scooted it out with the broom and as soon as the box moved, the mouse jumped out and scurried away. Jensen and I ran away screaming, " Dad!!! Dad!! We saw the mouse." We are getting some poison from the store but we are still scared to go out to feed our animals.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Shelby Norman!

Shelby Norman is my best friend. She is always there for me! I think she is very cool! Happy Birthday Shelb.

Happy Birthday to Myself!

Yeah! My birthday is coming up! I will be 13. There are a few reasons why I am glad that I will be thirteen.

  1. I can scare my grandpa because for years he's been scared that one day he will have a teenage grand daughter .
  2. I will be the same age as my best friend who' s birthday was yesterday. (Happy birthday Shelby !)
  3. I am only 3 years away from driving. (hopefully)
  4. I make my dad feel older. (no offense dad)
  5. Birthdays are always fun.

Monday, September 8, 2008

State Fair

On Saturday, my family went down to the State Fair. First, we went and looked at Jensen's and my exhibits. Then we went and looked at all the animals. After seeing the animals, we went to the little hands on the farm activity. This is where kids get to pretend to be a farmer and learn about how farming works. We then went to the fine arts building and Jensen and I did a scavenger hunt that a lady by the door handed us. While in the fine arts building we saw a butter sculpture it was really neat, sadly I didn't get a picture of it. We also saw a pirate ship that was pretty big and was actually a bed. We had a lot of fun at the state fair and I hope we can go again.